[wp-forums] SEO

Jesse S jesse at resiny.org
Mon May 15 15:29:21 GMT 2006

I'd say take out the posts with links to spammy articles (y'know, ones with
stolen content) and then close the thread. While there might be some good
stuff in there, a thread like that is just asking for spam

On 5/15/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/42196?replies=15
> "I know squat about SEO but if I make up 5 lines of junk and post it
> I'll get traffic and clicks and .. <insert garbage> and ..<more of the
> same>"
> Thoughts about what we do with such obvious junk?
> I know what I'd do - nuke the thread.
> P.
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