[wp-forums] To clarify

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat May 13 09:55:02 GMT 2006

Craig wrote:

> One thing I believe could help is changing the "title" of mods and support
> mavens...simply add "volunteer" to the moniker would help. There is no
> reason why you couldn't have a simple line above the form in the forums 
> that
> states words to the effect "type your question in the box below and our
> community volunteers will do their best to assist you."

We went down the 'Volunteer' discussion last year.
It came out as a 'No.'
The archives have the full details.

Regardless of what I did in the past, do now or will ever do in the 
future I would _very_ strongly oppose that title.
What we have now seems to have worked just fine since 2003.
It ain't broke. It does not need fixing.


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