[wp-forums] RE: I hope I didn't overstep here...

Phu wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Fri May 12 20:21:11 GMT 2006

You're right and he was deliberately pimping and his choice of words are

That said, I would have just left it and let it leave the front page through
it's own accord. Had he started bumping, it would be a different matter but
sometimes the best way to handle these things is just to leave them be.

On 5/12/06, Lara @ Anubis Marketing <lara at anubismarketing.com> wrote:
> >>>>That's the second link this user has posted back to his own blog in
> the
> past week.  The last one was a link to "best theme gallery".  Their
> profile
> says "student" and "Poland", so the communication breakdown may be at play
> here.
> >>>>There are no ads on the site, but it's obvious they are looking for
> traffic, regardless of intention (IMVHO).
> That's kind of what I was trying to get at - sorry if it didn't come
> across
> as clearly as you worded it - and thanks for doing so! :)
> >>>>Regarding the codex page and the "your wordpress", <snipped>
> When I referred to the codex page, I was referring to the one that lists
> the
> WP2.0 compatible plugins - that's the only one I was referring to. I'm not
> sure about the others, and for my opinion on the "your wordpress" - it's a
> nice idea, however like you'd mentioned, I think can get somewhat
> confusing
> for people.
> >>>>I'd also like to note that it is not uncommon to have discussions
> about
> "favorite" plugins, etc.  <snipped again>
> I totally agree - but he's not trying to have a discussion on the WP forum
> about his favorite plugins - he's trying to drive traffic to his site by
> writing an article about his favorite plugins, and then posting in the
> forum, a link to the article - without really saying what it is clearly
> enough (language barrier excused).
> >>>>miklb
> My $.02 as well - I really hope that my bringing it up isn't perceived to
> be
> hostile or anything... I'm really curious as to everyone's thoughts on
> this,
> and if my suggestion to at least break the link in the post will be taken
> is
> all. It's not my call, and that's cool.
> ~ Lara
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Phu | http://ifelse.co.uk

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