[wp-forums] Arnold and Danny

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Thu May 11 15:32:38 GMT 2006

Right! The links should be broken.
He doesn't seem to be selling anything though.
The chat room does exists as a small link a bit down to the left on the 
page, along with Photo Gallery.

I'm sorry I tried to excuse this guy earlier in the thread.
He doesn't try to help at all, he just hangs his labeled hat anywhere, 
stating he "had the same problem",
suggests to change the theme or say hes wasn't interested in that 
particular subject.
Show him the exit sign in that famous WP SF polite way ;)


Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
> No one thinks that he appears to be trying to get "link juice" here?
> I can't even find a "chatroom" on his site...
> Whenever we've found someone putting their URL in their posts like that, the
> URLs have been broken and the poster was given a warning... 
> How come this one's different?
> (And I'm sincerely curious... Not trying to be facetious or negative or
> anything like that.)
> ~ Lara
<snipped a bit here>
> I can't recall having twins before, so my experience of dealing with them is
> limited :)
> P.

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