[wp-forums] Another splogger?

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu May 4 23:45:33 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/55121
> This person has pulled up 3 posts that are at least 3 months old, some
> having been started over a year ago, and linked to his blog entry about
> GoDaddy and having issues.

> I just think it's strange - he appears to be trying to drive traffic to his
> post on his own site about GoDaddy - by bringing up old stuff.

It annoys me when people do say "Details on my blog" and you find stuff 
they could just paste it. But then he does have information there, I 
can't see ads (I even opened IE!) so if he is as he says into "Web 
Design, Blogging, and SEO" maybe he wants some juice for PR.
But he does have info - and we've had a couple of 'drive-by multi-posts' 
recently with people coming back with solutions so although the threads 
are a little old, if he is searching and find and posting, and we are 
asking people to search, we now know they too can find. I suppose we all 
win :)


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