[wp-forums] Why is this stickied?

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Mon May 1 16:00:31 GMT 2006

Ah, OK. Like I said, it was no biggie, just wondering.

Podz wrote:
> TechGnome wrote:
>> (I tried to send this earlier, but due to something in the list, it 
>> was bounced.)
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/70867?replies=5
>> It's not vital to the running of WP, and seems to be more of the 
>> "Gee-wizz-bang" factor.
>> I'm just wondering, that's all.
> I just stuck it for the day really - get a few people seeing it.
> CSS and all that, nice sites. I don't follow CSS stuff at all but if 
> it helps raise a bit of awareness I thought a brief period of stuck 
> wouldn't hurt. But it was just for today.
> P.
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