[wp-forums] [closed] Creating a Google Gadget for a WP feed

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Jun 24 12:00:33 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> . I think we're getting a little carried away here, he did post it in the
> misc. category, and I for one have looked at creating feeds both for
> personal use and for clients with the google gadgets, they don't seem to
> work correctly with wordpress, so given that the OP stated "This is not an
> actual problem with WP or even related to WP code as such." I think he was
> looking to see if any other wp users had similar or any experience using WP
> with google gadgets. 
> Maybe we could at least read the whole post before deciding to close it.
> It's a big turn off for folks simply trying to find a solution to their
> problem to have more experienced or "powerful" members of the community
> appear to jump down their throats for no real good reason. 

I think Moshu made the right decision.

The WP forums are seen as quick and very knowledgeable - and rightly so.
We already answer a diverse bunch of questions but we have tried for a
long time now to keep issues as close to WP as possible. While this
particular post might be "okay, it's only one" to answer, so will the
next one. And the one following that. The forums must not become diluted
by questions that veer off what is our core interest. It may well be in
Misc but that was intended for WP issues still, not random "I'll post
there because they are good" questions. We know from experience that
people will post to our forum simply because we are better than others
and we answer faster. We owe it to all users of WP that we keep it that
way and if someone wants to fish hoping for an answer then I think it is
right that it is closed.


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