[wp-forums] The spam sticky

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Sun Jun 18 22:56:09 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/72930?replies=96
> 96 replies.
> I can't see anything original in there ("Me tooo!")
> So:
> 1 - Nuke it
> 2 - Nuke it after keeping, improving and posting a new post which is
> closed to replies and stuck in one forum / on front.
> 3 - Leave it.
> 2 appeals but then should such stickies only be used when important? If
> so just unstick what is there until the next spam wave and people come
> running in?
> P.
Yes, only when important, and I think it is important enough.
I'll vote for the appealing 2

improving and posting a new post which is
closed to replies and stuck on front

( I think nothing new can be said after 96 replies ;)
If the spammers are asleap we can unstick it after a while, save and 
restick as needed.


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