[wp-forums] hmmm...

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Thu Jul 27 12:34:55 GMT 2006

spencerp wrote:
>> I guess a "warning' suspension - temporary blocking - something would
>> be in order:
>> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/94343
>> Only personal attacks, some of them I've deleted already... I don't 
>> have the energy to argue with idiots.
>> m.
> Haha, I'll agree with you on that.. ;)  I think a "warning" will do, 
> but.. if you feel a "temporary blocking" is in order, I'll stand 
> behind ya on it. =)
> spencerp
This is one of those strange borderline cases, where something has to be 
done, but what?
o The teacher adrian comes up with relevant questions, which never gets 
properly answered, exept for some good tips on searching.
o Then we have the stalking devil, who give playful non sense ( but 
somewhat abusive ) answers.
o Being less than helpful, the thread is closed.
o No one is able to give further help, and the calm and patient adrian 
is left with first tentative answers.

Suggestions anyone? spencerp ?


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