[wp-forums] Installing for free

Craig nuclearmoose at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 23:14:11 GMT 2006

On 7/13/06, Christopher J. Hradil <chradil at comcast.net> wrote:

I can't wait till this thread hits the various mailing list archives
out there, so I can link to it as yet another illustration of the
major weakness in any open source project -- namely, the tendency of
individuals to allow  their own egos and agendas to override community

For the life of me I can't think of any justification for that
statement. Certainly you can disagree on this list and should make
your opinions and ideas known, but threatening to spread around "dirty
laundry" removes any credibility you may have with people on this
list. I've been around WP with Podz since before anybody knew what WP
was, and if there is one person above all who knows well what
community is about, it's Podz. He is one of the people that became the
foundation of the project, so before you go yelling "EGO! EGO!" you
should take some time and google "Podz" on the support forums. See how
many times his name pops up there and count them. I'll wait a week or
so for you to finish your count, and then by all means, come back here
and continue telling us that Podz being angry and frustrated is
indicative of what is wrong with open source.

Podz is what's RIGHT about open source. Feel free to have contrary
opinions, by all means, but don't start wagging accusatory fingers at
people before you fully understand their contributions.

Craig Hartel
Nuclear Moose.

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