[wp-forums] Installing for free

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Thu Jul 13 22:50:46 GMT 2006

Thanks Craig!
For writing:
> First of all, you folks involved with the install4free effort are to
> be commended. I lurked through the discussions and the exchanges and,
> knowing many of you, I fully understand how your intent was/is
> laudible. You put a lot of yourselves into the project, and your goal
> was simply to provide a service to some in the community who need it.
> This is a demonstration of the power of community spirit.
> The reaction to all of this is obviously frustrating. Given the amount
> of work put into this, it's natural to take this "rejection" or
> "distrust" personally. I am guilty of that myself, as a past moderator
> in the forums. However, I urge you all to step back for a bit, and not
> let this get to you. This effort is NOT in vain, and your time was not
> wasted. Keep plugging away at it. There are always lessons to be
> learned, so all you can do is pause, take a deep breath, and jump back
> into the foray.
> I applaud you all; you are all fine examples of what open source is
> meant to be, so I encourage you to see this only as an interuption,
> and not a cessation of the initiative.
> WordPress owes its success to the support forums. It's the dirtiest
> job, and the one that is given the least amount of respect. It's not
> sexy like coding, it's simply roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-at-it kind
> of work.
> Thank you, mods and forum supporters for your continued work.
> Craig.
> Nuclear Moose.
I was just about to say so myself, but you do it much better.
The step back and count to ( some suitable number here ) is fine.
Let's just start rolling and see what happens.
There are always people with concern.

And thanks Podz for your patience and good humor in leading it all.
I don't think we should temporarily "take it down", rephrase, redefine 
or roll back.
Just roll it, and take the comments by real users of the service seriously.

And lets keep a nice and friendly tone with the so concerned non users.
I'll through 4 cents on that one.

Rule of life: People always have opinions.
Considered Harmful"</a> ;)

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