[wp-forums] A New Forum!

Christopher J. Hradil chradil at comcast.net
Thu Jul 13 15:44:05 GMT 2006

I'm not sure I understand why anyone would object to additional folks
providing additional WP resources. It doesn't make sense. Already, there are
hundreds, if not thousands of sites (with forums and blogs) by folks who
have developed WP themes or plugins, and new forum or site will succeed or
fail on it's own merits, not based on what individual goes and takes some of
his or her time to get it started. 

With the overall goal of promoting the successful market penetration of a
product (open source/free) like WP, and without the sales and marketing
capabilities of most commercial ventures, WP is doing quite well so far. The
fact is, the more folks using and promoting WP the better. Period. 

The success of each individual (off the core WP site) effort will depend
only on what value it adds to the community. If it's a flop, no one will

To add each of our own petty jealousies or criticisms each time someone
tries to accomplish something is counter productive. 


Ps. I did note however that Adminstry/"DesignPastor" is in on that thread,
so I personally question the motivations, and since some folks seem to have
an issue with making publicly available the personal information of those
behind a particular effort, I'd wonder whether DP is behind that somehow. 

Christopher J. Hradil
chradil at comcast.net

-----Original Message-----
From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
[mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Lara @ Anubis
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:16 AM
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: RE: [wp-forums] A New Forum!

Ah yes, and I see at the new site that some people are in their GLORY -
because they can advertise their services all they want now!
This is getting absurd - who was it that said we should just put up a notice
saying that the support forums will be closing in 15 minutes? I SO wonder
what these people would do... especially without the ability of using the
official forum to advertise their non-official ripoff.

-----Original Message-----

And now the forum isn't good enough either!



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