[wp-forums] Searching where you shouldn't

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Sun Jan 29 06:39:32 GMT 2006

There must be something I'm missing with the new layout. Seems to be
a lot more of the "oops I meant this to be a search" empties than I
can recall before The Site Overhaul.

I keep finding myself scrolling to the end a forum category expecting
to see the new topic form gone haywire, but no, it's seems (to me at
least) well labeled and quite recognizable as a forum post form. Even
has an obvious "be sure to search" link above the topic title field.
I couldn't ask for more (well I could, but...).

Am I just too experienced with web forum software to see what some
members find confusing about the new topic area?


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