[wp-forums] Draft - Upgrading to 2.0.x

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Mon Jan 23 20:41:05 GMT 2006

Ian D wrote:
> Please edit/hack/delete as appropriate. Stuff in *** needs expanding

Link to upgrading guide.

> Q.How do I turn off the WYSIWYG editor and get my quicktags back?
> A. On your user profile page, and untick the box `Use the visual rich
> editor when writing` (bottom left).
> Q. How do I change the file upload path?
> A. In your wp-config.php file, include the line
> `define('UPLOADS', '/images');`
> Just make sure it occurs before this line:
> `require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-settings.php');`
You must make sure that the directory location for your uploads is
writable. (Codex Link)
> A plugin alternative to enable uploading like 1.5.2 is <a
> href"http://www.ilfilosofo.com/blog/old-style-upload/">Old-style-uploads</a>.
> Q. Why is my comment count not increasing?
> A. If your are running Spam-Karma, upgrade to version 2.1, and also
> get the <a href"http://lair.fierydragon.org/2005/11/sk2-wp2compatibility/">compatability
> plugin.</a>
> ***
> For those not running SK, provide steps for editing the db_version
> record in their options table (with appropriate links to phpMyAdmin
> info, etc.) and run upgrade.php again:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/53158#post-291151
> ***
or delete the /cache ?

> Q. How do I stop my flash/html tags being stripped?
> A. Disable the WYSIWYG editor or click the html icon and enter code in
> the popup box.
> ***
> Is posting from ecto (and the other desktop apps) eating tags? I think
> that was mentioned somewhere. Is there a fix yet? - might be worth
> adding if there is.
> ***
> Q. I don't like WP2.0, how can I revert back to 1.5.2?
> A. This might give the impression that people can upgrade and 'have a
> look' and downgrade easily. Best left off??

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