[wp-forums] WP 2.0 Beta forum

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Sat Jan 14 15:51:58 GMT 2006

On 1/13/2006 9:47:51 PM, Kaf Oseo (kaf at szub.net) wrote:

> It's obvious to many in the trenches that some good percentage of
> the traffic in the support forums is not due to problems, but from
> users trying to extend WordPress in (often unique) ways that demand
> (sometimes very custom) help. And as Podz notes, there are more of
> the complex issue vs. basic troubleshooting and problem resolution
> than we have seen previously.
> WordPress has become a fairly complex piece of software, and no
> matter how well put together you devs are able to make it, it'll
> still need a support staff to help not only with problems, but
> to provide what it can to users wanting to do far more than just
> install the software and start blogging.

Kaf, I was pleased to see both you and Podz validate some things I've been 
feeling myself.  Both of you have much more time on the fora than do I; 
previously (that is, since 2.0 release) I've thought it was probably one of 
those "just me" things.

I've found, similar to what Podz posted, I don't seem to know much any more. 
The major percentage of questions being asked now it seems are either about 
portions of WP that I don't use and have no interest in using myself (and due to 
having to finagle around the broken yahoo search using google it's more 
difficult to find an answer to post), or about coding situations - and I'm not a 
coder, I'm a tweaker of others' coding.

And as you point out, Kaf, the number of posters with what sometimes sound like 
outré uses for WP is WAY up.  Many of those questions require a coder at the 
very least, if not an out and out "programmer"!  Again, that's not me.  There 
appears to be less of the XHTML/CSS sort of question (which is one thing I'm 
decent at) - though this again may be a function more of the short amount of 
time since 2.0 release than anything else:  perhaps people are still more in the 
"make a new toy work" phase than they are in the "tweak the look" phase?  As 
well, perhaps it's simply that since 99% of themes already available and working 
in 1.5.2 also work with 2.0, maybe there's just not the push to mess with themes.

Thanks for listening....


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