[wp-forums] WP 2.0 Beta forum

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Jan 13 08:59:13 GMT 2006

Matt Mullenweg wrote:
> Kaf Oseo wrote:
>> Uh, what? I've never heard of this "vision" of Matt's before.
>> Considering just
>> how large a step this really would be, I wouldn't agree it's
>> attainable, not
>> with the current technology out there (and most certainly not through
>> the use
>> of a wiki).
> It's kinda like the dog that chases the car. It's a goal, but you don't
> really ever want to reach it. ;)
> The mindset is more, for every change that is made to the Codex and WP,
> will this increase or decrease support requests, to the extent that
> support is a byproduct of a non-intuitive product?

I think the goal in terms of creating docs and intuitive software is a
good one, but I also think it's unattainable. Why ? because there are
hundreds of sites on (x)html and css yet there are thousands of questions.

There is also another effect.
The nature of support forum questions has changed. I think this is due
to three things:
- the better docs
- the better software
- and more people searching
The above are good things, but it also means that questions to the
forums become more focussed, more complex and as a direct consequence
become harder to answer. Because of that, unless we have a regular trawl
of the forums by coders then issues are missed which is a shame. I have
certainly noticed that I'm having to pass on more questions with this
release. Not because I'm not running 2.0 on my main blog but because the
issues have changed so much (and I've never been one just to post links
or otherwise just add to the noise). That is not a criticism of 2.0,
just an illustration of the complexity of the changes within. And of
course there is nothing at all that can be done - all the testing cannot
predict every question, especially given that those who will test are
less likely to post (probably).

And hey .. wouldn't wp.org be a boring place without our little hub of
activity ? :)


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