[wp-forums] WP 2.0 Beta forum

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Fri Jan 13 02:36:13 GMT 2006

Well, I remember something along those lines a while back, but I don't keep 
non-essential emails, so haven't got anything to back up memory.  IIRC, Matt 
stated something similar in "feel" on this list a few months back.


On 1/12/2006 7:29:32 PM, Kaf Oseo (kaf at szub.net) wrote:
> Michael B wrote:
> >
> Matt's vision is to create a codex and piece of software so water
> > tight that the forums are obsolete, therefore, the effort isn't
> in making
> > the forums the most concise source of information, rather,
> it's a stepping
> > stone to his vision.
> Uh, what? I've never heard of
> this "vision" of
> Matt's before. Considering just
> how large a step this really would be, I wouldn't
> agree
> it's attainable, not
> with the current technology out there (and most certainly not through the use
> of a wiki).
> Not even in some sort of minor, broken form. I've
> watched as companys try to
> 'deprecate' the support component of their business. It's never pretty.
> >  I myself have had some issues, and simply kept some distance, rather than
> > get frustrated and burned out.  But the community keeps me around.
> ;)
> Peace,
> -Kaf
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