[wp-forums] Tone of reply

Phu wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 16:21:04 GMT 2006

I agree with VaamYob on this thread:

Whilst I don't think it was anyone's intention to be harsh, I think
sometimes we need to take a step back and realise that the primary goal of
the forums is to support. Sometimes the choice of language used can make it
seem that we're rebuking instead of helping.

A similar facet of the same problem is the way people are told that wp.com,
K2 queries are not supported, users should search before posting etc...
Whilst I understand the frustration as well as the legitimacy of the
responses provided, remember that the person on the other side may not be
aware of the associated history and background on the given issue/topic.

Just a little heads up for all the hardworking volunteers on the support
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