[wp-forums] Nobody owns my images

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon Feb 20 01:15:38 GMT 2006

When uploading images via the Write post interface the uploader creates 
directories and saves the images, which is a good thing per se. But I 
and many other users have the problem that these directories and images 
are owned by the web server process. It is impossible to delete or 
change the images, or even to read them over FTP or Telnet.
Of course we don't have the permission to chmod or shown the directories 
and files.

I have talked with my SP and he says that this is a problem with Apache 
that isn't solved. I guess the site support gets a fair amount of 
requests to change the "nobody" owner to the rightful one.

I have sifted through some documents at the Apache site and googled 
around, but I cannot find any references to a solution. If someone know 
a solution to the problem, we should be able to help people on the 
support forum when the question comes up.

The alternative, of course is to upload via FTP and then link in the 
image to the post. But that kills the idea of easy upload and drag in 
the post editor.

Another possibility would be to have a built in fully featured file 
handler in WordPress, working under the user of the web server, or 
possibly a built in FTP client. In the first case you could do what you 
want with your images and let "nobody" own you image structure, in the 
latter you would be the owner and use whatever transfer client you want 
to access the files.

The worst solution is to have it the way it is, which means that every 
time you want to do something with your uploaded files, you'd have to 
call your service provider and make yourself popular.

Accessing your data in MySQL poses no problem, your script can log in as 
you and MySQL does the system calls for the physical data storage. 
Letting a PHP script access the file system directly is another story.

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