[wp-forums] Missing profile pages

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Wed Feb 15 19:06:19 GMT 2006

It's just one of many "it's broke and we don't know when it WON'T be broken" things.


On 2/15/2006 12:04:21 PM, Petit Publications (petit at petitpub.com) wrote:
> I'm missing my profile pages in the support forum.
> I have answered some few questions in the support forum and my page
> count is rising, but when I click on the next page link or any of the
> page number links, I'm
> always taken to the first page.
> So, why would I want to look at old pages of links to past threads?
> For a few reasons:
> First of all, I often get in to questions I know I have answered before
> and I want to check my answers to see if they lead to resolution, and
> how I answered them. I don't remember everything I write :)
> Second, I'm
> still learning and going back to old threads where I was
> involved to read the questions and my own and other's responses, teaches
> me a lot.
> Third, I really like to able to bookmark thread of certain interest or
> importance. As it stands just now, I have three old favorites that are
> obsolete, and I cannot add new ones.
> Does anyone know how to resolve this, or is it a common forum error ?
> This may look like a support question ( big elephant god forbid ;), but
> is really a question of making the forum more effective.
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