[wp-forums] More on tounges and stickies

Petit Publications petit at petitpub.com
Wed Feb 15 18:30:48 GMT 2006

Pdoz, I'm happy to see that you ended a rather flamish thread. The 
overall tone in the WP support forum is one of kindness and helpfulness, 
and I'm sure everyone wants it to stay that way ( give or take some few 
frustrated xxx:es ). I've been on the forum for some time now, and it's 
been pure joy to participate, and to to see how users of different 
capabilities try hard to help other out.

Just yesterday I was planning to suggest that Podz made another sticky 
on how to behave on the forum, as I had discovered the one on searching 
via Google. I always found it difficult to search via the built in 
search engine. It yields nearly unreadable results in very big font :), 
so the Google suggestions made me happy.

To make the advice more effective, I think we should make it a bit more 
likely that users read them.
As it stands, the stickies are a step in the right direction, but they 
are marked red as in warning and one of them  clearly states [closed].
My suggestion is to make the sickies more like a banner on top of the 
page with a friendly but clearly readable background, say black sans 
serif text on a very light yellow background and a "Read this first" 

For the content of this note, it should be short:
o A *few lines* on decent behavior, i.e. what other users expect, the 
voluntary basis and be polite part, with a link to the 
http://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/forum/ "How to make the forums a 
better and more useful place", which is really good
o The "How to use Google search" tips.

With a friendly and very short banner, I think more users, especially 
the real newbies would read the advice.

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