[wp-forums] spam spam spam

Murray at PlanetThoughtful planetthoughtful at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 16:28:40 GMT 2006

Well, hey, if you ever get the 'report this post' link thing happening 
then maybe my input will have had a small benefit regardless.

I'm going to retire myself from the debate. As I mentioned in my first 
post to the list, I didn't expect a change, as I was aware this was 
discussed and decided previously.

I have spoken as eloquently and as increasingly sillily (obviously not a 
real word), as the small hours of the morning have progressed, as I know 

Along the way, I've been oh-so-gently accused of link whorage, and I 
suspect my point will have been missed.

But one last time, for the sake of posterity: please tell people the 
rules up front. You know you want to. It's a beautiful thing.

Until some time 'twixt now and then,


On 9/02/2006 2:11 AM, Ian D wrote:
> this time by...Lurpack??
> 'alwalny' http://wordpress.org/support/profile/57314
> Is there a 'possible spam' tag? thought there was but cannot
> remember...and another vote for the 'Report this post' idea off the
> sigs discussion.
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