[wp-forums] Sigs

Murray at PlanetThoughtful planetthoughtful at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 15:59:26 GMT 2006

Dang it, seriously I'm going to report myself to the Whipping Master for 

My question is: did you (not you specifically, Vicki) ever ask the users?

Which begs a couple of other questions.

Whose forum is this? Yours, because you're the moderation team? Theirs, 
because they're the users? Some mixture of both?

My sticking point is that I have a belief in openness and 
accountability. Deciding these things based on the likes and dislikes of 
the moderation team as expressed in an email list most users I assume 
don't know about, isn't open and isn't accountable. Not *telling* people 
you've made that decision until after the fact is just plain 

As an absolute minimum, the forum should have a FAQ, where standards of 
behavior are explained. Including, you know, thou-shalt-not-sig. Why? 
Because it lets people know what to expect, and (and this is important) 
it lets people know when / if a moderator has overstepped his or her 
bounds. It may not happen. It may never happen. Let us all offer small 
pieces of delicious things to the gods of internet support that it never 
happens. But assumedly you, as a team, should be accountable to the 
users, just as the users are accountable to you, n'est-ce pas?

Bah. And possibly humbug.

Much warmth,

Murray (off to see the Whipping Master)

On 9/02/2006 1:23 AM, Vicki Frei wrote:
> I vote no.  It's not the sort of forum where they're at all necessary 
> (though I do like them elsewhere), and they are FAR too open to 
> abuse.  Links in a member profile/name are sufficient.
> V
> On 2/8/2006 5:55:48 AM, Podz (podz at tamba2.org.uk) wrote:
>> I emailed the person concerned when the sig continued.
>> Two emails - one each way.
>> He ended it with
>> "Ah well. Such is life when policy comes before common sense. "
>> and has stated he will no longer help.
>> Should we allow signatures on posts ?
>> P.
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