[wp-forums] Sigs on WP support posts

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Feb 8 14:21:24 GMT 2006

Given I'm the subject, this is my one post on this topic:

Sigs are impossible to police. There are forum helpers who have blogs
that are NSFW. There are forum helpers who have sites with many ads on.
Helpers who seek to use affiliate links. Unless we allow it to descend
into a complete free-for-all (which is what it would be) then it needs a

I _like_ the fact that our forums are free of signatures. It means that
users see help and only help. If every user used a 4 line sig then a 30
post page would double in length. Does not assist.

My pages. The majority are in Codex. I link to those simply because I
know their url better and I happen to think my pages are better laid out
(but then I would). The fact the others are not is of little
consequence. I also recommend other sites, not just mine. And I also do
not drop links to my site(s) into every post I make. Only when it is
appropriate and even then it's a direct link to a help page 99% of the time.

If we have 'no sigs and no links to any personal sites' then what ?

The forums MUST be set up in a way that benefits users long-term and I
honestly do not see sigs as the way to do this.


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