[wp-forums] Suggestion for wp.com questions, and one other thing

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Thu Feb 2 03:54:18 GMT 2006

Everyone (and Matt, and you too Podz),

I suggest a forum called 'WordPress.com Help' be added. When you
click the link to the forum, it will automatically direct you to


I hope I have your attention, because this nonsense was sent to put
focus on a bigger issue. With 2.0.1 out the door I'd love to let the
guru devs relaxingly push back their chaise computer chairs and sip
deep the Sugar Free Red Bull, but there's a part of WordPress that's
been feeling horribly neglected. If you listen close you can hear it
whimpering. Almost...

I don't think I need to go over the problems the forums are having,
considering how often they're discussed here, there and elsewhere.
However, I will if you force me. My only question is, is there any
way we (not the royal) can help in getting things a-fixing?


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