[wp-forums] Humility

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 04:26:18 GMT 2006

[Handy wrote>
 So... do you other volunteers ever find yourself stumped and pondering if you should post a question of your own?

I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that being a mod gives me pause before posting my next question... Turns out my ASP and ASP.Net knowledge is rather worthless with php.  *sigh*

Anyways, just curious as to if anyone else ever thinks twice.] 

If I may.. and still allowed to post on the lists without it being ignored.. or sent right to the delete can, that is.. lol.. =P 

I felt the same way, when I was a moderator lol. I just felt like, should I? Nah, I'll search the forums first.. and even ask people on messengers first!

Then if all that fails.. then post on the forums.. I'm not sure why, but I just felt like I *shouldn't* have to post a "support" question of my own.. when at that time, being a moderator.. 

I guess everyone has to overlook that fact, and just post a question anyway.. ya know.. ;) :)  Just because someone is a moderator.. or a volunteer with a lot of knowledge.. doesn't mean they know all.. and know everything.. ;) :)

/Yes, despite my rude email to the wp-install list.. which I'll reply to that one then.. I don't plan to abandon the users seeking help.. It's not fair to them, or anyone for that matter.. ;)  I'll be in the forums then.. I've just been mad busy with my own b.s. .. lately.. sigh. :( 

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