[wp-forums] forum tags

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 20:44:51 GMT 2006

Far out.  I was just experimenting with it and can only guess bbPress is
doing the actual truncating on the dash.

Maybe go with WPadvanced for the tag instead?

On 12/22/06, Michael B <miklb.online at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a quick note,
> I'm trying to initiate a tag for threads that need attention beyond the
> normal volunteer.  I suggested wp-advanced, which has not had much feed
> back
> one way or another, so until a better suggestion comes along...
> http://wordpress.org/tags/wp-advanced
> The link for the RSS feed for that tag is
> http//wordpress.org/support/rss/tags/wp-advanced
> However, when I add that tag to a reader, the -advanced is being
> truncated.
> Is this normal behavior?  If so, any suggestions on what to change it to?
> Michael
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