[wp-forums] Spam?

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 19:26:11 GMT 2006

[DrMike wrote>
Looks like it went bye-bye.
 Quick question since it came up in wp.com land this afternoon.  Do you just throw everything in under the modlook tag or does spam get its own?]

We usually drop in a modlook tag on whatever "we" feel needs it. Example: If a flame thread is going on, a really bad spammer going nuts in the forums... 

I don't remember tagging that one modlook though, I just grabbed the URL of the thread quick, and sent it through here.. Also, we usually send the profile link of the supposed spammer, or what not. 

This gives the admins a quicker access to their profiles, to take care of the problem faster.. ;) :)  So generally, spammers, flame threads, questionable forum members, we'll add a modlook tag to that thread, (which contains one of those).. and if there is a spam thread in the forums, we'd send both, thread link, and "spammer profile link".. 

If a moderator is online, they can atleast delete the "spam thread" a while, and when the admins come around, they'd still be able to find the spammer's profile quickly... I hope this helps.. ;) 


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