[wp-forums] Building better.

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 20:49:31 GMT 2006

Interesting read.  I really don't think she covered anything that hasn't
been discussed on this list in the past, but wouldn't hurt reopening some of
those discussions.

I think one thing that should be taken from it is a return to a "kindler,
gentler" approach to questions, and have less tolerance for snippy comments
and replies, be it from a mod or a newbie.

I think with some of the renewed interest in the codex, a better
relationship between the two would be a good start.  I think also some input
from Matt and Michael Adams as to what can and can't be implemented at this
point.  I sent out a feature request about creating a forum that required a
specific "level" to create posts in, as a follow up to my discussion about
creating an "advanced users" forum, in hopes of bridging some of the more
savvy coders with new users needed something more than basic help.  To date,
I've not seen a response. I think that relates to the discussion in the post
about "intermediate" users, and fostering a forum for all levels.  It
definitely a discussion worthy continuing, especially in light of some
recent events.


On 12/5/06, Mark R <tamba2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Matt just pointed this out.
> http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2006/12/how_to_build_a_.html
> Focusing on positives, what can we take/learn/use?
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