[wp-forums] Need some help in the WPMU forums

Christopher J. Hradil chradil at comcast.net
Sun Aug 27 18:49:31 GMT 2006

speaking of MU, what's the status on an MU codex, we're getting ready to launch a couple of MU
sites, and have a couple of clients interested in using MU as well, the clients however have been a
bit tough to 'sell' on the MU product, mostly based on the fact that it's not really reached full
maturity, and there's a comparatively limited amount of support compared to that of the 'solo' WP
product, and almost more importantly, the fact that there's no 'official' documentation, etc. 

I'd be willing to help out on the MU side as much as I can personally (forums, codex, etc), I can
also use one or two of my programmers/admins to put some effort in on the documentation/codex when
they have some downtime/spare cycles. 


Christopher J. Hradil


> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com 
> [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of 
> Dr. Mike Wendell
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:57 PM
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: [wp-forums] Need some help in the WPMU forums
> Greets:
> It's my understanding that the wp.org moderators have 
> moderator access over on the mu forums as well.
> If so, could a moderator PLEASE delete the post within this 
> thread that contains all of the code:
> http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=1838
> It's throwing off my browser and I can not see anything 
> afterwards and I'm trying to assist the original poster.
> Literally, I can't see anything.  It's nothing but white from 
> that post down until I reach the bottom of the page and I see 
> the Code is Poetry logo.
> Thanks,
> -drmike
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