[wp-forums] Is anyone getting emails to the wp-install list?

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 10:00:14 GMT 2006

>I saw the messages, as I'm sure you know there have been a >number of 
>problems with the list servers this week as well, >so that could be part of 
>the problem. Then again, I'm not an >"installer", so I didn't answer,

Sorry for the late reply Chris.. Thanks for confirming, that you are seeing 
the messages. =)  Yeah, I know that the mail servers were having a problem 
sigh. I guess I was just thinking, that most of those problems were squashed 
now or whatever... guess not sigh. =(

>as far as the completed install, I would go ahead and >remove those,

I was thinking that too, but.. as reference purposes, and to keep on 
"record" for later useful purposes.. I was kind of thinking of maybe some 
how... archiving those, or ..copying and pasting all the "completed" ones, 
to a text file.. and saving them to the hard drive.

So we have a "record" of who's was done, how many was done total..and to 
also have their email addresses saved, incase things maybe go wrong later.. 
or "we" need to get in touch with them for some reason.. =)

Of course though, the installer, that handled the "completed" request.. 
might still have the emails on hand.. I'm not sure though, however.. I'm 
keeping the emails for emergency purposes only.. ;) =)  Maybe, I'll just 
copy/paste those that I have helped, into a text file.. and delete mine 
only.. I dunno, just really don't like that idea sigh..

>as well as any that are apparent dead ends. If they >"requesters" want it 
>bad enough, they'll come back and >request again if they haven't responded 
>in that length of >time.

Yeah, as I said in my lastest reply to the Wp-Install list.. That's what I 
was thinking too, but..I'd probably rather re-send them
a follow-up email first, and if they didn't reply to that one.. then delete 
them. =)

Hopefully soon here, some other Installers will throw in their 2 cents on 
this "issue".. if not, I'm not sure what to do then really.. sigh.


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