[wp-forums] Is anyone getting emails to the wp-install list?

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 05:09:27 GMT 2006

This is to those that are members to the wp-install list of course... ;) 
Just incase, most are busy, having email client problems and so forth.. I'm 
going to paste in here, the following questions I have sent to the 
wp-install list ok..

Hopefully I don't get my head bitten off, but..if someone does.. can I have 
it back before tomorrow sometime.. I'm going to need it then.. =P

// -------------------------------------from the wp-install list

I'm seeing a nice number of pending "install" requests in the Moderation 
Queue, and was wondering what we should do about these...?

Example, a few dated back to around the Install4free first started, and 
apparently the user's haven't replied to the emails sent, by "us" the 
installers.. =/

UTC 2006-07-13 7:59:42 pm MichaelH has contacted user and is awaiting 
response from the user.

Should one of "us" resend an email to these users, or just suspect, that 
they had installed it themselves and remove those comments?

Also, about the requests that had been completed already, is there a way to 
archive those, so were not loading 50 comments on the Moderation Queue page 
lol?  Just was curious about these two things lately.. =P =)

\\-------------------------------------------------- End from the wp-install 

I was just wondering about the above questions, because like I said/asked 
above there... there is numerous of pending requests.. that "installers" 
have not been replied to, so.. any thoughts on these above questions?


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