[wp-forums] A reason to upgrade

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Aug 13 16:18:41 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> shouldn't we just delete or edit that post so that folks can't go out and
> download that thing. you know, many folks don't change their default
> install's username....Fill in the blanks.....and hopefully that thing
> doesn't work against 2.04--> 

It's a brute force and they have been around for years. And they work
against (pretty much) anything. I seem to remember a plugin? from ages
ago which might have given 3 chances then emailed the blog owner. I
could be mistaken.
I posted it here simply because it's got the letters W and P in it which
could cause people to run to the forums. I think it's less to do with
changing the name - my blog is 'admin' - and much much more to do with
password strength.
Seen those apps / online facilities that indicate password strength? One
of those would be cool...


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