[wp-forums] Inregards to Install4free..

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 02:07:37 GMT 2006

> I'll agree:  Seems like a swell idea.
> Sorry for being quiet lately.  Summer and work are conspiring 
> todramatically minimize my online time.  :-)

Thanks Handy... =) Oh it's fine.. I know how it is..to be busy and all..  ;) 
=)  Besides being online, doing Install4free requests, managing the blogs, 
my codex page.. helping ppls on messengers with WordPress issues... to even 
helping my pap mow a numerous acre farm yard.. it's just part of life.. =)

As for the "testimonial" page or whatever.. I'm not sure if I'd brave doing 
up a page for it or not.. lol.. but, we'll see what some others think, feel, 
and so forth first.. I suppose.. =)


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