[wp-forums] Forum Evolution

wordpress forums wordpress.forums at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 02:08:34 GMT 2006

As one thats experiences trying to "organize" *cough* another blog
support site *cough*, take it from me when I say that adding more
categories wont be the solution you think it is -- that is, unless you
intend to spend days on end moving posts and threads to where "you
think" they belong.

Unfortunately, users, especially users with a singly focused mindset
on getting help just dont seem to read as well we all may like. More
choices just seem to confuse them more, ime.

As for what might need some changing or tweeking: It would be nice to
see some filtering on the tags. Click on "images" and you have 40+
pages.. not especially useful, if you ask me. I would rather see those
be links to posts or codex docs that address REPEAT issues.

my .01

On 8/5/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> There have been some suggestions here at Wordcamp:
> - have new forums to help break issues down so that it is easier for
> people to find help and easier for people to want to help to do so.
> - to have some form of recognition for those answering to encourage
> repeat visits
> - to have some form of encouraging new answerers
> So ....... I know we've done this before and I know what was said, but
> it's been asked, time has passed so we should re-address.
> Bearing in mind the above and the wider community, if you could improve
> the forums in 3 ways, what would they be and why?
> Podz
> (note - changing to alternative forum software is not on this agenda and
> would be a pointless post.)
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