[wp-forums] I know it's a name.. but come on now..

petit at petitpub.com petit at petitpub.com
Sun Aug 6 09:54:28 GMT 2006

spencerp <spencerp1 at gmail.com>: says:

> I know this person isn't a "spammer" or anything, but can there be a 
> limit on the names or something? It really scrunches everything up on 
> the forums, post title's and such..
> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/97255
> I know some people like using names, the lengths of football fields.. 
> but shoot.. I know my computer monitor isn't the drive-in movie 
> screen.. like their's is apparently.. LOL! Can there maybe, be some 
> sort of limit on name lengths..?

I think it's kind of funny ;)

After all it's the name of his/her web site.
It's a bit no the limit, I'll agree.


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