[wp-forums] Late Emails

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 00:35:48 GMT 2006

Well, I know I said the other day, that the lists seem to be working fine 
for me... but, I'll have to scratch that off, because I just sent two out 
two days ago.. to both: wp-hackers and wp-testers lists..

And haven't gotten a reply to either of them, also when viewing the List's 
Archives.. they both have July 2006 for the last month... when it should be 
August 2006 ... I had asked Podz if he noticed anything from me.. and I 
think he said he seen one, on the wp-testers list.. hmmm..

I'm not seeing anything for August at all, period.. =/  I even cleared cache 
for both IE and FF browser, no change.. =(  I even tried re-subscribing to 
the wp-testers list.. and that didn't work either.. just got the notice, 
that I was already joined..

I hope someone gets this fixed soon.. ;) =/


> this one only took 24 hours to show up...... also, did anyone else notice 
> that the wordpress.org site seemed to be unavailable for an extended 
> period of time earlier this AM. I was just in the middle of composing an 
> email to a
> couple of regular readers on both of these subjects when this post from
> yesterday arrived.....
> ps. unfortunately, I'm stuck here just east of NYC at around 100F + lots 
> of
> humidity, instead of getting ready for the gathering at Taylor's, one of 
> my
> favorite SF locations. Hope all you lucky wordcampers have some fun and 
> use
> lots of BBQ sauce. I've got the feeling great things will come out of the
> weekend's events.
> ...chris
> /**************************************
> Christopher J. Hradil
> chradil at comcast.net
> http://www.hradil.us
> 973-809-4606
> **************************************/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
>> [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of
>> Christopher J. Hradil
>> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:04 AM
>> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
>> Cc: wp-hackers at lists.automattic.com
>> Subject: RE: [wp-forums] Late Emails
>>  >> Seems like my comment yesterday didn't reach the list (sic!).
>> I'm convinced there's something up with the list server. Some
>> mails are making it some are not (which seems to be affecting
>> everyone equally), last week after making a couple of posts
>> which never appeared to both -forums and -hackers about
>> various topics, I went ahead and posted to the Misc section
>> of the forums to see if anyone else was having issues.
>> Based on the fact that this still seems to be happening (and
>> to all of the lists), I'd suggest that at least until the
>> issue is identified/resolved (or just disappears on it's
>> own), if your email to a particular list (or all of
>> them) isn't showing up, go ahead and contact a couple of
>> regular readers/posters directly to be sure that the
>> community/others are aware of the particular issue.
>> ..chris
>> /**************************************
>> Christopher J. Hradil
>> chradil at comcast.net
>> http://www.hradil.us
>> **************************************/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
>> [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of
>> petit at petitpub.com
>> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 7:07 AM
>> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
>> Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Late Emails
>> spencerp <spencerp1 at gmail.com>: says:
>> >> I may have to drop out of the mailing list here.... I'm
>> not sure if
>> >> it's me, the mail server, or the list server, but I'm not
>> getting my
>> >> emails from this list in a timely manner.... I'm getting
>> them hours,
>> >> and in some cases days after they are sent (and resolved, and
>> >> commented on, and joked about...etc).
>> >>
>> >> It's been fun, it's been painful, y'all are a great bunch
>> of people,
>> >> and I wish you all good luck in keeping the forums running.
>> >>
>> >> Podz, if you would, please remove me from the mod list as well.
>> >>
>> >> -tg
>> >
>> < just a bit snipped here />
>> > I guess sometimes the server has it's bad days and good.. or is off
>> > getting plastered and laid.. who knows.. but.. I wouldn't leave TG..
>> > ;)  Just hang-in there a little longer.. like forever.. hopefully
>> > things get cleared up ... =)
>> >
>> > I'd hate to see ya leave.. same goes for everyone else.. ;) =)
>> Seems like my comment yesterday didn't reach the list (sic!).
>> TG - let me agree with spencerp here, please stay on, if your
>> life allows.
>> If you can't, you'll be dearly missed.
>> /Petit
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