[wp-forums] questionable...

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 16:08:40 GMT 2006

Truth is, IMO, that's a valid question from a new user.  I believe I
recently saw a post on the hackers list about this, as well as have there
been several threads about shout boxes and spam, which in some ways overlaps
the question.

I'm going to post that indeed most plugins are caveat emptor, however if
they search the forums for top 10 lists, they can assume that if enough
users recommend certain plugins, that they can assume the plugin has been

I'm also going to remove the resolved as I'd prefer the user mark it
resolved in this case.

Thanks Christopher for all your time in the forums, and on these lists.

On 8/3/06, Christopher J. Hradil <chradil at comcast.net> wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/82005
> when I spotted that one he was an 8 minute old member, it may be benign
> (in
> which case I'm just paranoid based on last weeks plugins/security
> debates),
> so I've posted an appropriate reply, tagged it modlook and resolved. It
> just
> seemed to me like someone trying to 'stir the pot'..
> /**************************************
> Christopher J. Hradil
> chradil at comcast.net
> http://www.hradil.us
> **************************************/
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