[wp-forums] Doing it for free. - the people(2)

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Fri Apr 28 09:48:53 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:

> TechGnome wrote:
>> 1) Person is nominated to be an installer
>> 1a) Person is asked if they want to be one
>> 2) Committee reviews the nomination (should be a black box process)
>> 3) Committee approves or disapproves the nomination
>> 4) Person is notified of outcome
> This now needs the 'Committee'
> What I suggest is that _everyone_ on this list nominates a number of 
> people (5?).
> They all send that list to someone
> That person counts the votes for everyone and the top 3? become the 
> Committee if they accept. If someone does not, the next person down 
> that  results list gets asked.
> The Committee then starts asking people.
> Two things:
> 1. Being asked does not mean you have to accept.
> 2. Do not be offended if you are not asked.
> ?
> P>

Sounds good! Here are my nominations in random order:
Maybe I should have held my horses, until the "someone" who will count 
the votes is elected ;).

Michael B
Vicki Frei

( Also known under other names )

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