[wp-forums] Affiliate links

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Thu Apr 27 16:23:14 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:

>I see no problem with removing affiliate links of any kind. Regardless of
>whether or not the poster states their intention or not.
>These forums are no place to try to make a buck... Be it with services or
>affiliate links or otherwise.
>We've cracked down on people offering their "services" - this should be
>equally (if not more severely) punishable. It's the same thing as that one
>guy who went around spamming posts for phones... Just because his was a
>direct link shouldn't make a difference.
>~ Lara
>Remove and warn; adding affliate links in this way is manipulative and bad
>form; if a company did it, you'd call it spam. Besides, a lot of hosts have
>rules banning such acts (undisclosed whoring of affliate links in public
>On 4/27/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
>>I just moderated a post which had a link in.
>>The link was an affiliate link but this was not indicated anywhere.
>>I have not the slightest problem with doing what I did.
>>The rules do not cover affiliate links at all.
>>My feeling is that our forums are not the place for affiliate links 
>>UNLESS this is spelt out in crystal clear language ("If you click my 
>>link and buy something then I get x$$$$"). I do think we have users 
>>who will not know how these things work and in such cases an affiliate 
>>link exploits their ignorance. I think that's bad. In fact I still 
>>think they are bad - the "Who is the best host" threads are full of them
It's as commercial as any plug for a commercial site. What's already 
said in the rules applies, I think.
It's impossible to have special rules for every tric in the hat.
So cripple and warn!
The first for the link, the second for the linker ;)

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