[wp-forums] Affiliate links

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Apr 27 13:33:29 GMT 2006

I just moderated a post which had a link in.
The link was an affiliate link but this was not indicated anywhere.
I have not the slightest problem with doing what I did.

The rules do not cover affiliate links at all.

My feeling is that our forums are not the place for affiliate links 
UNLESS this is spelt out in crystal clear language ("If you click my 
link and buy something then I get x$$$$"). I do think we have users who 
will not know how these things work and in such cases an affiliate link 
exploits their ignorance. I think that's bad. In fact I still think they 
are bad - the "Who is the best host" threads are full of them sometimes.




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