[wp-forums] Doing it for free. - the people

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Wed Apr 26 20:20:47 GMT 2006

As a testament to the process.... it's the same process Microsoft uses 
for their MVP program. I got an email telling me I had been nominated, a 
link to the website, and one simple question: was I interested. I 
replied back I was, and was told, "Great, we'll add your name to the 
list." Two months go by before the next email "Still in it, bear with 
us." Then I finally get the "Almost done, need a little more info." And 
finally, I got the welcome message. Hopefully our goes a bit faster 
(like within a week) but I think it'll work.

I forgot to mention, the "committee" I mentioned, I envisioned as being 
this list, both installers and non-installers.


Podz wrote:
> TechGnome wrote:
>> It should be the other way around... by invite. The process would 
>> work like this:
>> 1) Person is nominated to be an installer
>> 1a) Person is asked if they want to be one
>> 2) Committee reviews the nomination (should be a black box process)
>> 3) Committee approves or disapproves the nomination
>> 4) Person is notified of outcome
>> I've seen this process work successfully before. Steps 1 & 4 
>> would/could be made public, 1a is done as a private email to the 
>> nominee, but steps 2 & 3 is done out of the public. I know this kinda 
>> goes against Podz's concept of being transparent, but we are talking 
>> about the integrity and security of other people's blogs, they 
>> deserve the right to know that the installers have been fully vetted 
>> and can be trusted.
> I like this :)
> And I think it is transparent - or as transparent as it can be made. 
> As you say this is a serious business underneath it and we have a duty 
> to these people (along with the wider WP world) to give them a trusted 
> service.
> P.
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