[wp-forums] Doing it for free. - some words

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Apr 26 15:53:51 GMT 2006

This is rough and needs some careful polish.
The (proposed) words. Please edit constructively:


This is a service offered by people who have a lot of experience in 
using WordPress. The people involved in this project are trusted by 
their peers.
It is not officially endorsed by or connected with WordPress.org or 
WordPress.com and they bear no responsibility.
It is offered freely but the right not to accept a request is ours.
Blogs for or connected to businesses will not be accepted. This service 
is for personal bloggers only.
We could use lots of legal words and small print but it would all still 
come down to what is below.
While we will try our hardest, due to the many different server 
configurations we cannot guarantee an install. In such cases we will 
give further advice.
Please be aware that every time you click through to the next page you 
are accepting everything on that page.


What this project is:
A way for you to have WordPress installed on your domain at no cost.
We do this because installation should not be a hurdle to using WordPress.
We also do this because it increases our knowledge of installations 
across many hosts so improving help for others.

What this project is not:
This is not a hosting service. You must have your own domain name and 
domain hosting before asking here.

What we ask of you:
That you give the nominated person your hosting passwords. As a minimum, 
the nominated person will need access to the database and ftp. A cpanel 
login is ideal.

We will:
Install WordPress to your website into a directory called 'wordpress'
Check that the blog works by making 1 post and 1 comment
Delete any passwords / cookies / browser information on completion

We will not:
Host your blog
Instruct you on installation
Install any plugins
Install any themes
Troubleshoot anything other than install issues
Ask for money, links or any other form or reward
Provide further support outside of the forums


The Process:
After completing some basic information, someone from the project will 
get in touch (auth issues?).
That person will then do what they do

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