[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Sun Apr 23 18:25:38 GMT 2006

Kaf Oseo wrote:
> Craig, can it manage different levels of "accounts," where each is
> restricted to only to a specific bit information on a task, and for
> the client only the task related to their account. Our need here is
> for a client account and task to be interconnected.
> Our needs here are pretty basic when looked at as an issue of tasks,
> so a full-bore task management utility is not a necessity. And as I
> mentioned at the start, this idea could be plugged into a WordPress
> installation. It would be easy to coordinate user roles and whatnot
> with the external components. The rest we'll need is already there in
> WordPress.

A lot of needs up there...

-Kaf (lacking an editor today)

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