[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Apr 23 17:24:41 GMT 2006

Kaf Oseo wrote:
> Along with Podz (anyone else with this background?) I should be able
> to help flesh this out. Note that we don't just need an agreement for
> clients (installees, whatever), but for everyone on our side of the
> project as well.
> Each of us will need to agree to a set of principles or guidelines to
> adhere to. This will be our "guarantee" provided publically. Starting
> to look like we offer paid work! But considering the level of access
> we're asking people to trust us with, we must do everything we can to
> assure we take that trust seriously.

We will:
- not open or interfere with any other directories on the server
- not disclose that we installed WP outside of those involved in the project
- not contact you at any point after installation requesting any sort of 
payment or link swap
- delete all cookies and passwords from our browser and email client on 
- not perform any tasks other than those laid out (so please do not ask)

Once your WordPress is installed, all identifying information (name, 
email, website, passwords) will be deleted from our system. Other 
information may be kept purely for statistical use.

If you are concerned about XYZ, then please email ABC in the first instance.

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