[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Michael E. Hancock mhancock at us.net
Sun Apr 23 13:19:41 GMT 2006

From: <petit at petitpub.com>
> o The authetication apparatus and the special forum has to be set up

Regarding the apparatus, couldn't we:

1. Create a WordPress blog somewhere.
2.  Create a mailing list of trusted installers (mailman can be setup so not
just anybody can join, and not just anybody can view the subscription list)
3.  On the WordPress blog, use WP-Contact-Form or Dagon's Secure Form Mailer
for people to 'solicit installation help'.  It's here the user could enter
their PIN.  That solicitation would be sent to the installer's email list.
4.  Available installer responds to email list that she/he will take the job
5. Using the PIN, installer contacts client to perform the work
6. We send the client an invoice for thousands of dollars and continue to
pimp them to sell add-on services and products ;-)


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