[wp-forums] Forum post

petit at petitpub.com petit at petitpub.com
Fri Apr 21 00:18:04 GMT 2006

"Michael E. Hancock" <mhancock at us.net>: says:

> From: "Podz" <podz at tamba2.org.uk>
>> We could insist that the link is not to any commercial site.
> That's a slippery slope there...defining a commercial site.  I use my site
> stricttly for commercial purposes, but I have no Google Ads,  no donation
> buttons, and really have nothing listed for sale.
> On the other hand, many personal sites ask for donations, display Google
> Ads, and present referral links.
> It's just going to be awfully hard to enforce that restriction...
> It's possible that Mr. hyperactive should be directed to offer his services
> to the wp-pro mailing list?  And regarding the other thread about 'free
> installation' assistance, maybe that too should just be directed to the
> wp-pro list.
> MichaelH

I agree that it would be very hard to distinguish "private" form "commersial"
sites, and I don't really think that's the point here. I also agree with Podz
that we have a "hole" in the rules, but belive it will have to stay 
open. Links
within the forum posts should go to helpful pages or to the OP's 
troubled blog.
Profile links should be allowed to point anywhere.

The point is that however the forum rules are written, there will always be
people trying to abuse the ideas of these rules. The remedy is, as Lady la L
put it, we can always "see a slimebag" and other abusers. In the grey 
moderators always gives a poster some slack, but as soon as he/she reveals
her/himself as an abuser, appropriate action will be taken.

I have good trust in the moderators, and given the basic rules of forum
behavior, there judgment on a case by case basis, is the best we can do.
When in doubt, the moderator turns to this list for support and a fast vote.

As for this special guy, I'd say, chill him for a bit, possibly 
referring him to
the wp-pro list.

The possible offer of the install service, in my opinion, should not have
anything to do with the wp-pro, as it is meant to be a free service. We 
have to
try hard to separate com pro offerings from free help.


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