[wp-forums] Forum post

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 21:54:55 GMT 2006

On 4/20/06, TechGnome <tg at tannagh.com> wrote:
> How many thumps on the head is it going to take? Funny though, if his
> hosting is all that great.... how come I've never seen anyone ELSE pimp
> it? It's always the owner who pimps it.
> FWIW: I think it's time to unpimp his account and give him a two-day
> time out.
> -tg

When did we start doing that in the forums?

While I'll agree that his postings can seem suspect, I've seen numerous
other posts over the last year with people offering WP users free hosting,
and they were slapped on the back for being nice.  This guy has a "company"
and does it and he's evil?
I can name at least one other recent poster who has a link to a commercial
site who's been quite "active" and that's ok because they've not overtly
offered services?


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