[wp-forums] Re: Doing it for free. (ladydelaluna)

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Apr 19 22:26:00 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
> but what about
> just automating the ENTIRE install procedure AND/OR providing a "video"
> tutorial?

For me:
I don't like Fantastico which is what it would turn into - after someone 
had written it and then hit a bug and the user comes to the forum and 
asks.... :)
There are heaps of video type things and they are unbelievably crap so 
while doing one that would be better is easy, it's already a crowded and 
  pretty useless market.
And both of the above will still have people uploading above 
public_html, uploading in Binary, not unzipping properly etc.

A friend could email any one of us and we could have WP installed, with 
a few themes and a few plugins inside of 30 minutes. Aside from the 
time, that was my 'idea' - doing it personally.


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