[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

petit at petitpub.com petit at petitpub.com
Wed Apr 19 21:50:47 GMT 2006

"Michael E. Hancock" <mhancock at us.net>: says:

> From: "Podz" <podz at tamba2.org.uk>
>> I would have something like:
> ...
>> You are strongly encouraged to change ALL passwords that you gave out.
> For a user not able to install WordPress, isn't this asking them to do
> something almost as difficult as the install itself?
> Changing ftp passwords, changing database passwords, and changing
> wp-config.php...that could be a challenge for the challenged.
> MichaelH
Out of town, finding a huge amount of posts on this matter, I must catch up.
But although I agree on the callange for the challenged, I think a step 
by step
doc on how to change passwords would do in most cases.

A blind thought hit my skull:
Would it be  possible to do some 
Silly, I know, but...

Now catching up.

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